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na predavanju Jesenske filmske šole

In addition to the programmes for children and youth, the Slovenian Cinematheque also provides three educational programmes for adults: the andragogic programme Kino-Chair for Pedagogues, the international symposium Autumn Film School and On the Trail of Slovenian Cinema, a programme for the students of the Slovenian Third Age University.

The Kino-Chair for Pedagogues programme is intended for primary school and especially secondary school teachers of film, media and art education and teachers that use film as a didactic tool in teaching their subjects, but it is also open to the wider public. It encompasses a discussion of the key topics of film history and theory, a presentation of the methodology of teaching film, an elucidation of the premises of film analysis and interpretation and an examination of the key currents in cinema and the auteur poetics of individual filmmakers.

The theoretically most in-depth activity of Kino-Chair is the international symposium of film theory and criticism called Autumn Film School, a series of lectures, discussions and presentations prepared by Slovenian and foreign experts on a different topic each year.

On the Trail of Slovenian Cinema is Cinematheque’s educational programme conducted in cooperation with the Slovenian Third Age University. Watching Slovenian film classics, the participants get to know the rich and dynamic history of the art of film in Slovenia. By analysing films, they develop their aesthetic sense and various aspects of thought (analytical, critical), while also getting to know the scale and complexity of cinema.