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prostori Kinoteke na Metelkovi 2a

The Slovenian Cinematheque has facilities on two locations in Ljubljana, at the Škratelj Homestead in Divača and in the former bunker in Gotenica.


fotografija Dvorane Silvana Furlana

Dvorana Silvana Furlana je sodobno opremljena kinodvorana s 124 sedeži in dvema mestoma za osebe z oviranostmi. Omogoča projekcije mnogih filmskih formatov: 35 mm, 16 mm, DCP in Betacam.

Ime je dobila po Silvanu Furlanu (1953–2005), najzaslužnejši osebi za ustanovitev Slovenske kinoteke, ki jo je sijajno vodil vse do smrti. Kot direktor Kinoteke, kot filmski zgodovinar in teoretik, kot pisec, urednik ter avtor številnih filmskih študij in knjižnih objav ima velike zasluge za obujanje in ohranjanje filmskega zgodovinskega spomina ter za vris Slovenije na svetovni filmski zemljevid.

Dvorana Silvana Furlana je na Miklošičevi 28 v Ljubljani. Mogoče jo je tudi najeti. Na tej lokaciji deluje še oddelek za filmski program.

razstavni prostori Slovenske kinoteke

The exhibition venue is the latest acquisition of the Slovenian Cinematheque. It is designed for the presentation of our rich, film- and cinema-related cultural heritage. Next to it are a smaller shop and a space where educational activities for children, young people and adults take place. At the exhibition venue, we will first prepare a few temporary thematic exhibitions and then mount a permanent museum exhibition on the history of film and cinema.

The exhibition venue is located next to the Silvan Furlan Hall at 28 Miklošičeva Street in Ljubljana.

kavarna Slovenske kinoteke

The café of the Slovenian Cinematheque opens an hour before the first screening and closes at the end of the last screening on days of scheduled screenings. In the peaceful and intimate ambience of the café, we offer refreshing and warm beverages and occasionally also a special offer related to our current film programme. Kinopolis members have a special discount on all types of coffees, while visitors can pass the time by reading the various publications related to film and culture that are always available on the bookshelves.

The café is located in the lobby of the Silvan Furlan Hall at 28 Miklošičeva Street in Ljubljana. It is also available for hire.

vhod v Kinotekine prostore na Metelkovi 2a

In the facilities under the Museum Plaza at 2a Metelkova Street are the head office, the library and mediatheque, the digital restoration laboratory, the Research and Publishing Department and the coordinator of pedagogical and andragogical activities. In the storage facilities, we keep our film and film-related collections and display many old film projectors.  

In the summer, the green in front of the entrance hosts our open-air cinema. In August, our film screenings complement the lively event offer in the Museum Quarter, where you can also find the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, the National Museum of Slovenia, the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova and the facilities of numerous NGOs.


Muzej slovenskih filmskih igralcev

The Museum of Slovenian Film Actors is located at the renovated Škratelj Homestead in Divača, a unique example of Karst architecture. Two famous film actresses were born in Divača: Metka Bučar in 1903 and Ida Kravanja, who became a star of European silent cinema under her screen name Ita Rina, in 1907.
The museum complex consists of three architectural clusters. On the ground floor of the Škratelj House, whose first floor houses the permanent exhibition dedicated to Ita Rina’s life and work, are the main information office and work premises. The former stable houses the main permanent exhibition dedicated to Slovenian film actors. The storehouse with the barn has been converted into a multi-purpose hall. The main museum premises and the multi-purpose hall are connected by the open-air cinema, while the courtyard with its summer bar functions as a place of socialising within the entire complex.

zemljevid Muzeja slovenskih filmskih igralcev

The Museum of Slovenian Film Actors is located at 26 Kraška Street in Divača.


The Slovenian Cinematheque has permanent film depots in air-conditioned underground premises in Gotenica. The cinematheque rents 460 square metres of space for this purpose, where the relative temperature is a constant 15 degrees Celsius and the relative humidity is around 55%. Approximately 5000 film prints are stored in Gotenica.