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In the Library of the Slovenian Cinematheque, which you can electronically access through the COBISS+system, you can find a rich collection of specialised literature in the fields of film history and theory, film education, film production and exhibition, preservation of film heritage and media literacy, and the broader field of audiovisual culture.

A rich and carefully selected range of film titles from all over the world is on offer at the Mediatheque of the Slovenian Cinematheque, whose collection of over four thousand DVDs is one of the key national collections of classical, independent and alternative filmmaking. The collection is intended for both professional and general public and includes both the classics of world film heritage and the best works of the current production.

Membership and Loans

Membership of the Library and Mediatheque of the Slovenian Cinematheque is free. You can become a member during office hours at the Cinematheque premises at 2a Metelkova Street. You do not need a library card, just show your identity document.

We loan out most of the monographs and DVDs. Publications with the status of reading room material are available only in the library’s reading room. You can borrow a maximum of three units of audiovisual material at once and an unlimited number of library material units.

Units of audiovisual material (mediatheque) may be kept for three days, while library material can be borrowed for a month with the possibility of renewing the loan for another month. If the loan period ends on a day when the library is closed (Saturday, Sunday, holidays), the due date is the first next workday.

The overdue fine is EUR 0.3 per unit on days when the library is open.